
Breaking Bad recap: The ticking time bomb

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In an interview in the now legendary 12 hours, francois truffaut, Hitchcock explain surprise your audience, make the key difference between them in suspense. "We now have a chat very innocent," said Hitchcock. "" let us suppose that there is a bomb under the table, nothing happened between us, and then all of a sudden," boom!" Have a blast. The public surprised, but before that the surprise, it has already seen an absolute common scenario, no special effects. "
"Now, let's open the case," Hitchcock to continue. "Bomb is under the table and the public know, perhaps because they have seen countless government, where the public know, bomb explosion at one o 'clock, and decorated with a clock. The public can see, it is a quarter of a, in this case, the innocuous conversations become fascinating, because the public participation in the scenario, the audience eager to warn characters on the screen:" you shouldn't talk about these trivial matters. You have a bomb will explode below! "
"In the first case, we have in the moment of explosion, the surprise of citizens for 15 seconds. Second, we provide them with 15 minutes of suspense. The conclusion is that the audience must be notified as soon as possible."
The plot of breaking bad "final run, start with last summer's" live free, or give me death ", is a demonstration of the principle of Hitchcock writ large. Watch the climax tonight "To 'Hajilee," what we know, don't know in the characters in the scene: walter white survival. He, because he has To grow beard and his 52nd birthday alone, Danny. He bought a huge gun, and drive it back and tore his empty house, where he has his hidden in a power socket retrieval ricin.
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Imagine how different assumptions, the final scene of the "To" Hajiilee "will play, if we don't have this information. Director Michael McClaren's scenario, the plot of the inevitable conclusion that the length of the pain. Hank relishes every second walter's arrest - slap him, read his Miranda rights, let him in the back of the SUV, call Mary to celebrate. If we don't know this story, the scene will be painful, because it could mean the end of walter - who is white, all his faults, we are the leading role, surreal beat someone is huge.
But, because we can't know walter here, was arrested at the scene of an entirely different reason. Walter, refers to someone's death, almost certainly, if not, everyone around him.
This is a philosophy, set apart from all other major authority on TV drama breaking bad play throne power stems from its surprises - knowledge, no person is safe, water cooler by like sneijder death moment stark red wedding last season madman showrunner matt weiner prevent destroyer enthusiasm, even not allow criticism before they air. But come out of the way to destroy the climax of the story at the beginning of the fifth season, at least 12 sets before catching up with the story of it, this is the suspense.
In retrospect, it is also a story of the equipment, the evolution of the marked a break from a sad story, a tragedy in the classic sense of the word. Breaking the widely used cold open is the last time in his second season - but at the same time, the device is the same, the effect is completely different. Black and white toy bear in the swimming pool is a mystery, it is almost impossible to solve, we don't know, Jane's father is a flight controller, or found to have the plane crashed, until the last episode of the season. Damage, even using flash, forwarded to mislead the audience what is really happening; Mysterious cover institutions in the White House driveway, it attracted so much feverish speculation at the time, turn over two faceless and nameless plane crash victims appropriate events completely irrelevant.
However, if the cold damage of the second season, is designed to cover the final end open, open the cold damage of the fifth season, aims to reveal it. The power of the tragedy, like the power of the suspense, the inevitable outcome of knowledge - the character of the story is not sharing knowledge.
Of course, we are still not in the end. Top with Hank (Jessie with a large assists), walter and Hank the cat-and-mouse game between, everyone at the same time play a "cat" and "mouse" has come to an end. As walter beat gus admits the opponent's main weakness is his hatred of TiO salamanca, Hank and Jessie defeat walter realized that his main weakness is his money. Unfortunately, walter has an additional wild card: Todd Nazi uncle jack and his friend, they are displayed, and began firing Hank and the rest of Steve gomez.
Before the end of the plot, anybody down, but it can be safely said that this will change before anyone put down their weapons in the plot of the next week. If I have to predict - although I must be wrong - I'm willing to bet, gomez is sure to be killed, Hank might be killed. Walter and Jessie, Lydia brand clearly the answer to the question, will spare no effort, as top methyl cook, she contact has been required in Europe. Presumably, they reward, will not be killed in an unmarked grave, buried in the desert of the Nazi gangs.
"Bomb the worry is more powerful than the characters involved the feelings of sympathy or disgust," Hitchcock explanation. However, breaking bad has entered again into the step, makes walter in the story of the "ticking time-bomb" (Michael unforgettable once described him as appropriate). The remaining three episodes, and we are waiting to see him out - but we know that at the end of where he will, he does.

