
Lisa Berger Named ABC EVP of Alternative Series, Specials and Late Night

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Before the E! Entertainment President lisa berg has named series, especially late at night, executive vice President of ABC.
The move, which was expected, as a station in E! She manage internal production company Ryan was nabbed rice production and marginal production, and comcast entertainment studio creative business. She development programs, including "keep and Kim kardashian" franchise, "the girl next door", "Ken" Della, "Dr. 90210," Chelsea recently, "fashion police" and "soup".
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Less than a week after the news word alternative series, the night show, former executive vice President John Saade, and from the network. His departure marks the latest reality TV show round of executives. Fox's mike darnell exit in the spring, is now a warner bros., the Columbia broadcasting company (CBS) Jennifer brosnan announced last month that she would step down, but will remain with the network.
There is no reason to leave, not for replacement has not been announced - although told TheWrap that personal information before e! Entertainment President lisa berg is considering the location of the.
Reading: CBS alternative programming director Jennifer brosnan to step down
Berger to join E! Network programming development, senior vice President in 2003. Before, she spent four years in the fox television studios, executive vice President of creative affairs.
Fox in her time, she brought a "shield" FX and fox television studios, original content is responsible for. Before fox, she spent 12 years on MTV networks, to guide the "single", "Jenny McCarthy, according to Austin," story "and" rules of the road ".

