
Low prices seen luring young adults to Obamacare

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New York (Reuters) - if there is no insurance of young americans shun according to President barack Obama's new health plan for health care reform law, it will be because of insurance costs too much, not because they don't expect how much health care, according to a study released on Wednesday.
Of young people without insurance what condition to create "Obamacare" on October 1, open communication, will determine the success of the President's signature domestic policy achievement of one of the most important factors. If too few young people, tend to be relatively healthy, signed the coverage, the premium may not cover illness who recruit medical costs.
The widely held belief, in contrast, young adults don't want to afford health insurance, "independent federal funds President Dr David blumenthal said. The concept of the group's research to disperse young adults, that is, don't think they need to cover, because they feel invincible, lead author Sarah Collins said.
Up to 82% of the nearly 160000 uninsured young American adults are eligible for federal subsidies or Obamacare under medicaid, which means that affordability is unlikely to block the entrance through the national health insurance exchange, the research conclusion. The 19 to 29, eventually will take part in the forecast, and don't specify it could take years.
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Optimistic conclusion from what young adults do provides an opportunity to buy health insurance through their work. In this case, the coverage of 67%.
For those who refuse to the main reason is that they are covered family members (54%), or cannot afford to pay the premium (22%). Only 5% of the respondents refused, because they think they are unlikely to need to how much health care coverage.
This price, uncomfortable, and they will never get sick, is a major obstacle to buy health insurance in young adults, youth unbeaten, co-founder of said Aaron Smith, a non-profit education activities, and studies the important problems of 18 - to 34-year-old young people. "The price is one of the biggest obstacles."
The group is not involved in the study of the British commonwealth, but already get a grant from the government, to help people to attend insurance of Obamacare.
Examples of Massachusetts
What happened to the commonwealth's research also pointed out that, Massachusetts in 2007 to develop health care reform, need like Obamacare - everyone has insurance or pay a fine. In the first year, 19 to 26 years old young man of the participation rate has dropped from 21% to 8%.
"On the basis of Massachusetts, we have reason to believe that young people will come to (), national insurance market, and signed a" commonwealth blumenthal said.
The bigger obstacle may exceed bear ability, there are very few young adults know, the new coverage will be an option in less than six weeks.
Other surveys confirmed, the commonwealth, the survey found only 27% of the 19 to 29 young people know the national health insurance market. The uninsured consciousness was the lowest (19% of the respondents know market) and low to moderate income (18%).
Is most likely to benefit from federal subsidies income of not less than four times the poverty level ($45960) to buy exchange policy, to help people with these groups.

