
Verizon, Vodafone restart talks on $100 billion-plus deal

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Verizon communications, inc. (nyse: VZ - news) and vodafone group PLC (the London stock exchange: VOD. L - news) to restart negotiations on a possible to buy the wireless the equity of the joint venture company in the United States, the Wall Street journal, said the deal was Verizon is expected to cost more than $100 billion.
Verizon is in discussions with the bank about the billions of dollars in loans, it will need to complete the transaction, "the Wall Street journal, citing people familiar with the situation said.
But it added that it was unclear whether the two companies have solved the price, or Verizon has put forward the concrete price differences, finance, a daily supplement.
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, Reuters reported as early as April, Verizon has hired advisers for a possible bid of $10 billion dollars, and are considering Veri zon a 45% stake in wireless, it does not already have about 50:50 in cash and stock offer.
At that time, most analysts say, the number of about $10 billion by a Verizon is too low, the value of vodafone owns a nearly $12 billion.
"The Wall Street journal, says in a major change in the financial markets, such as interest rates rise, and the change of the mobile phone business in the United States have brought the two sides closer together. Verizon can borrow to cover the cash part of a deal for $5 billion or more, the Wall Street journal said, citing people familiar with the matter.
Verizon spokeswoman declined to comment to this report, and vodafone is unable to comment on outside normal business hours.
Vodafone chairman Gerard kleisterlee said last month, the company will consider any acquired its stake in Verizon wireless, if it provides much more than the present situation of the value of investors.

