
TheButler’ Looks at Second

Provide a lot of choice, although the tracking indicates Gm's "kick ass" and the weinstein company "lee daniels" Butler ", and movie audiences have a clear advantage of winning." Housekeeping, It is expected to earn in teens, according to Weinstein, sold more than any other movie in advanced on Thursday A ticket. This may be because the forest Whitaker and Oprah winfrey starring will attract most of the older viewers, who usually Expand advanced ticket sales. By contrast, "kick ass 2", "the Pundits expect the same MAO, its predecessor, is 19.8 $, will attract more young - and more impulse and the crowd Than the "housekeeper." Also JuGongKuan this weekend, the open road of Steve jobs biopic "jobs" tracking $$8 million of 100000 yuan, and the theory of relativity media thriller "paranoia" of land, the best, a moderate amount of $5 million. As the product into the

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