
The Math Behind Higher Pay at McDonald's

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Protesters MCD - 0.53%, to close a McDonald's in Denver on Thursday lunch time just now, waving signs and chanted slogans, and require every fast food joint in the employees pay $15 per hour.
They not only rise in public sidewalks, but with their cars, and fill in the domestic private rushed into the store parking lot with bullhorns big sound, scattered, only when the police arrived.
In the workers in the MOBS don't bold, fast food, but the labor unions and community organizer, pretend to be local television camera.
Dakota bo crown, 26, noth glen, Colorado, is I met a man said that he was in a McDonald's is not the decision a little more than the minimum wage. I met another man, he said, he is in the pizza hut about $8 an hour to cook the pie.
"The company billions of dollars a year," said Mr Bo crown. "" they can afford $15, they prefer to enrich themselves than to take care of us. "
McDonald's bag for $550 million dollars in profits last year. Thin profit margins, and in any restaurant does not provide alcoholic beverages, but the volume of a McDonald's makes it. It has 6.9 billion customers with services of starvation every day.
Progressive group called fast food is already planning a nationwide strikes and protests, because not just for McDonald's in November, but everyone from KFC, Wendy and host low-wage retailers too.
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They are right, they say it is mathematically possible to pay the workers about twice as much as they are now going. In Australia, for example, a fast food restaurant worker has about $15. Only some of the higher Labour costs, passed on to consumers. The rest is absorbed with more technology than people, and asking for more productivity, less people in their pay higher wages.
In the United States, this is a difficult proposition. I don't often hear readers think should have a minimum wage. This is just another kind of heavy government intervention in the free market, they say. I also heard the reader sneer at the union as the system of socialism. But, I also heard from readers who is going to start the economy, does not produce enough well-paying jobs.
Last week, I ask them why not much shopping, look, my email and villagers say, they can no longer afford to document reader overload. (by reading these stories, the mark on my blog, tellittoal.com).
All know the story of the retailers and restaurants. They have warned that the consumer is weak. Even if the chief executive "dollar menu" McDonald's recently warned bitter days. "Informal eating out market remains challenging and economic uncertainty, putting pressure on consumer spending, the chief executive don Thompson said:" at a recent press conference.
The company has to pay the minimum wage, they can, because they can for many years, and now they want to know why consumers have less money to buy their products. Perhaps, after so many years of "low price" at the bottom of the game are close to the final laps.
We remember when fast food youth work. Those days are gone. Economic policy institute, a recent analysis shows that more than 88% of the minimum wage workers is aged more than 20 years old.
This is why the work of the fast food will have to pay more.
Too many americans, they are all on the table.

