
Obama delays strike against Syria to seek Congress approval

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President barack Obama on Saturday from the edge to back a few steps, and delay of a looming military strike Syria to seek approval from the United States congress, it will test his ability, abroad to predict the strength and the deployment of its own strength, in the home of a huge gamble.
The brake, before Mr Obama has been clear path for the attack. Naval fleet already in place on a missile, UN inspectors have left the Syrian chemical weapons attacks, U.S. officials said, killing 1429 people to gather evidence.
But Mr Obama's decision to seek the support of the U.S. congress, before the attack, polls show that americans are tired of intense opposition from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Approval will take at least ten days, if it is in.
"Today, I ask congress to send a message to the we are ready to move as a nation of the world," Obama said, in the White House announced a dramatic shift, rose garden.
, its credibility has been questioned not to punish the Syrian President bashar assad's government to the poison of the earlier attack, Obama warned lawmakers, they must consider the cost of inaction in Syria.
"This is my problem, congress and each member of the global society, each member: if a dictator can gas hundreds of children, under the eyes of the public, pay any price, we will send what news?" He said.
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Mr Obama's approach has left the doubt whether the U.S. will conduct military steps, the President has been approved. From lawmakers to support is not at ease, and many Democrats and the republicans in a distant civil war, in which 100000 people died in the past two and a half years of intervention.
Most members of congress for Mr Obama welcomed the move, but also step by step, the lawmakers from their early summer, continue to return to Washington on September 9.
, the top republican in the U.S. and the speaker of the house of representatives, John boehner, said: "we are in consultation with the President, the house of representatives is expected to consider measures on September 9, a week,". "This provides a President's time, making his case, to the congress and the American people."
The house of representatives received a classified briefing on Sunday to Syria from government officials to hear that. Senator officials on Saturday.
British prime minister David Cameron, who was unable to convince the British parliament backup action earlier this week, President barack Obama welcomed the move, not the government's French President francois hollande, with Mr Obama spoke on Saturday.
Syrian rebels occupied areas, there is frustration and disappointment.
"The curse of god, said:" the rebel-held territory Hadley, toure ahmed card activist. "We've become just a game, I think that for those of us who live here, make the situation worse."
Reuters reporter visited a group of sitting at home in the city of aleppo fighter and activists. They did not watch Mr Obama's speech, and told the President's decision, they all agree, this means that there will be no strike in the United States.
"This is the same old hesitation, the United States has been suffering since the beginning of our revolution," said today (Monday).
Aides, Obama has been trying to the military action, but it is only when the late Friday, he decided, he'll be the first to seek congressional approval before didn't discuss his advisers - option.
Introduces to the reporter after Mr Obama's senior government officials said they believe that congress will vote in favor of the U.S. military, because of the threat of chemical weapons, U.S. Allies Israel and other friends of security in the region.
On August 21 attacks - Syria's civil war and the world's worst, because Iraq's saddam hussein gas killed thousands of kurds in 1988 on the use of chemical weapons is the most deadly single event - a reluctant Washington galvanized after years on the sidelines of the use of force.
The United Nations panel on Saturday arrived in the Netherlands book evidence and sample about the attack. Earlier in the day after they crossed the border into Lebanon by road from Beirut air freight. No western intervention had expected, as long as they are still on the ground in Syria.
20 members of the team has arrived in Damascus on 21 August, 3 days before the attack to investigate the early use of chemical weapons charges. After days of playing in a hotel, they visited the site several times, the victim is in the rebellious troops to occupy the suburbs of Damascus and soldiers in the government hospital take blood and tissue samples.
Conducted cost of Washington's closest Allies support: Britain has been support action, but was forced to withdraw from the league, Mr Cameron is accidentally lost the right to vote in parliament on Thursday, the "special relationship" with Washington and London.
Syria and its chief ally, Russia, and said, the rebels in the poison gas attack is a provocation. Moscow has repeatedly used its veto the UN security council to stop the action of Syria, and said that any attack would be illegal, will only lead to civil war.
"I am sure (chemical) there were no drag to the Syrian conflict than those other countries provocation", President vladimir putin said on Saturday.
Syria's foreign ministry has repeatedly denied that the government has the use of chemical weapons against its own people. Washington said Syria denied is not credible, the rebels would not have been able to launch such an attack.
Syria's neighbors Turkey back up the use of force. The Arab league, whose members are mainly against Mr Assad said that Syria is responsible chemical attack, but so far, made it clear that subscribe to western military strike. Due to the Arab league foreign ministers held in Cairo last Sunday.
Mr Assad's main Allies in the region, Iran, condemned the strike, and warned that a wider war.
Syria's civil war has led millions from their homes, since 2011, when a strike to protest the forces of bashar al-assad and his enemies, to take up arms.
The main sunni and shia muslims, and has spread to neighboring Iraq and Lebanon fault line between the split in the Middle East war, threatened to reignite their civil war.

