
Alex rodriguez, the yankees continue to trade union to A - Rod of the self

Chicago - his first real game in many months, the American league east on the list, even if it is open to conjecture in the middle of the night, alex rodriguez, whispered something into a familiar club attendant's ears. In the yankees' color clubbie jostle 15 feet, and whispered in the ear of a local clubbie, he in the color of the white sox. The clubbie nodded and ran in another direction, lost in what looks like a secret vault, the quiet of turbulent object. All The comings and goings, over a messy day, his messy life, suitable for face, Rodriguez apparently had forgotten to pack a toothbrush. The local clubbie by aloft this miracle of oral hygiene as Mr It were The first - born son of royalty, delivering it with all due haste and decorum. Damage, shame on, shamed, and going on could be as high as $3 billion less perhaps $30 m letters poorer, he still is

xiao lu wei shi me bu ke yi
  he lao mei qu dian nao cheng mai dong xi ,kan dao dao hang jiu qu kan liao xia 。
  wen shou huo yuan shi bu shi na li du ke yi dao ,ta shuo zhi yao zai da lu du ke yi 。
  dang shi da nao duan lu hui wen liao ju xiao lu wei shi me bu ke yi 。

