
Crank the Fan and Pass the Iced Tea—2012 Was America’s Hottest Year Ever

Sweating, the United States through its hottest year in 2012. The key to this fairly predict news from the national oceanic and atmospheric administration's annual "state of the climate" report, delivery to be released today. Across the continental United States, the average annual temperature of 55.4 degrees Fahrenheit, this is the average from 1901 to 2000, more than three degrees of about 1 degree, more than the previous record, the hottest year in 2006. On a global scale, the rising sea levels and broke out in Greenland's ice sheet melt almost break records, according to the report. NOAA's national climatic data center director Thomas Karl told TakePart "there is nothing to be surprised." Part of their records, but the current trend in 2012 broke many records. The White House to promote the climate of President Obama's agenda, leap report and chirp including hashtag# ActOnClimate. If you are looking for a glimmer of hope in the report, can provide the best scientists about is this: the United States

zha lia cha bu duo
  jia ban hui jia zai lou xia mai zha ji liu ,zhi ting lao ban zai he yi ge zhong jie xiao gu niang liao tian 。
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  gu niang 腼tian de xiao liao xiao :“bu duo ,bu dao liang wan 。”
  lao ban :“ha ha ,zha lia cha bu duo !”
  wo zhen ding de kan liao kan biao ,xin wen lian bo yi jing yan wan liao ,
  qing wen wo wan shang zen me guo 。。。

