
Dollar Traders, Think Inside the Box

Despite the short-term fluctuations, the dollar index has been all within a narrow range in 2013, with the fundamentals also support at the edge of the long, a potential breakthrough opportunities now there may be for a long time. Investors and traders need to information, their decision is based on the degree of importance to decide, or more simply, decide whether they want to be an investor or trader, and at the appropriate time frame decsions. Investors will be good for weekly and monthly time frame, and the deal could be good for a day or set time limit. In university, we believe that after spending most of our efforts, focus on long-term patterns in the direction of the trade. Although we teach daytrading short-term tactics, we don't always encourage them to use. Sometimes, transactions need to sit still, just watch, because of the decreased, the summer is usually one of those times. If the market slowdown detemrine the simplest method is by determining the time range, or box, form and the winding of the market

da ying wo yi ge tiao jian
  qi zi :“wo bu guan ni liao ,ni wan shang xiang wan ma jiang jiu qu wan 。”
  zhang fu :“zhen de ma ?”
  qi zi :“zhen de ,dan shi ni bi xu da ying wo yi ge tiao jian 。”
  zhang fu :“shi me tiao jian ?”
  qi zi :“ni hui jia shi yao ti qian yi ge xiao shi gao su wo 。

