
Minnesota Twins Avoid Biogenesis Suspensions, Unlike New York Yankees

COMMENTARY | Fortunately, for the Minnesota Twins, none of their players were included when suspensions for Biogenesis were handed out.
On the other hand, the New York Yankees continued a disturbing trend with three more players linked to performance-enhancing drugs.
 Even though the Twins aren't in contention this year, it's still important for them to remain far away from suspicion. Twins fans have not had to deal with much steroid talk that involved their players. The only Twin to actually be suspended was reliever Juan Rincon for 10 days in 2005. He claimed to have been confused by what he could take. 
 Even former Twin Danny Valencia escaped suspension. He was one of the first players named when investigation into the Biogenesis clinic began. 

dao di shi hu wei huan shi hu yi 
  zhan zhao dui bai yu tang 炫yao :“bao da ren hen zhong shi wo ,
  chang shuo you liao zhan hu wei zhen shi ru hu tian yi 。”
  bai yu tang leng xiao :“suo yi ni dao di shi hu wei huan shi hu yi ?”

