
Prosecutors are reluctant to

Joe Evangelisti, a company spokesman declined to comment, headquartered in charlotte, north Carolina, bank of America said its mortgage bond buyers are professional investors, adequate access to basic data. Federal prosecutors are reluctant to bring criminal charges against a big Banks and other companies, because it may endanger the national or the global economy closely linked, the U.S. attorney general Eric holder at the hearing of the senate judiciary committee, said in March. "It has inhibitory effect on our ability to bring a resolution, I think that would be more appropriate," he told members of congress. Damon, Jamie Dimon, chief executive of jpmorgan chase, 57, leadership had 2.44 trillion dollars, assets, and $1.2 trillion in deposits, at the end of June, reported. The company also holds a notional value of derivatives contracts of $73.5 trillion.

zhuang de ke shi mi fan
  gao tie zhan an jian chu !yi xiao zheng tai wen ma ma :
  “wo shi bu shi ye yao fang jin qu jian cha a ?
  wo de du zi li zhuang de ke shi mi fan ne ,mei you wei xian wu pin o 。”

