
The Seoul stock market opened higher, China data to reduce the concern about economic growth

August 9, Seoul (Reuters) - stocks could climb to Seoul On Friday, in a global market, after the overnight track returns Better-than-expected ease concerns about China's trade data in July In the world's second-largest economy is slowing. Analysts expected at the same time, China's industrial output in July And retail sales, as a result of last Friday, which could further Firm the confidence in China's economy is stabilizing. "Not bad investment environment, the United States and China Show improvement, said: "IM investment securities analyst Dazzle govemment. "A batch of China's new data come out later Of course as the catalyst on the market today. " See South Korea's energy, chemical industry and steel industry Rise of China's imports and exports Europe's recovery, Kang. Since Wednesday, the department has received. South Korea's KOSPI index (KOSPI) On Thursday closed up 0.3%, at 1883.97 points, is over Fell for three days.

rang wo lai ge huo bu dan xing ba
  cao cao lv ba shi wan da jun gong da jiang dong ,
  you chuan yan shuo ta shi chui xian zhou 瑜lao po xiao qiao de mei se ,
  zhe cai fa dong zhe chang zhan zheng de !
  you shu xia quan 谏dao :“zhu gong ,chang yan dao ,hong yan huo shui ,
  wan bu ke wei yi ge nv zi er qiong bing 黩wu a !”
  cao cao xiao dao :“wo ke bu shi wei liao yi ge nv zi !”
  shu xia :“na shi ?”
  cao cao :“shi wei liao liang ge ,huan you xiao qiao ta jie da qiao ne !
  ru guo hong yan zhen shi huo shui ,na jiu rang wo lai ge huo bu dan xing ba !”

