
Why should you see goldberg

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Why don't you watch goldberg ABC family comedy set in the 80 s, based on the founder Adam f. goldberg's childhood and his childhood family film, no star's influence, some new fall series or the name of the luster and the selling point of the built-in like lead shield agent in miracle, but it is a better freshman year a series of new season. Are you sure you missed some great laughs RAD fashion in the 80 s, if you don't adjust inches four reasons why you should see goldberg bubble SAO: how will survive? 1. This sounds like dad cry - Y. Domineering mother. The cutin grandpa. Excluded brother. They sound like () the cliche, but in the hands of goldberg, we have a more realistic and credible family years dynamically on the screen. Your family may not be abrasive or loud goldberg, but we all know or meet some rough and likeable person who may grate, but ultimately mean good. On the surface, the show seems to be in "we are loud, interesting", but write it as a high volume of screams, a marathon is to ignore good, it does require a quiet mood rhythm. The video last week that Murray (Jeff GARLIN), dotes on his wife, Beverly (deng McLendon - covey), by Adam (XiaoEnJi AnBuLang) chronic filming his clan. Murray is probably never say (or scream), "I love you", but he didn't show it. Sweet sentimental, so effortless mixed cacophony of madness, it is not easy, but goldberg, their family now, you never know what you want. 2. Performance of all the actors are wonderful, but McLendon peacekeeping Troy gentiles, who plays Barry, is the best. McLendon - Covey excessive protection, excessive caution and loving mother, who is willing to deliberately frighten her son, so he will take hold and embracing her off center, and outside state Barry a roller skating rap/NBA star/geek, we 'D all love to close. You fall television series: display won? Vote now! 3. Nostalgia, you didn't have to go through the 1980 s, to appreciate them. But goldberg is not just a decade, give a catcher guardians and parachute pants - we celebrate our childhood. Who does not desire to recall more naive, carefree time, in our life, you are most interested in figuring out how to get reebok pump (or air Jordan or future iPhone)? If you do remember the 1980 s, so much the better, it makes us... 4. In the 80 s quoted one of the biggest thorn in the side of the audience yes anachromisms. No, what to say... REO fast carriage "can't play this kind of feeling" in the same year hasn't appeared, but what does it matter? The beautiful memories of that a moment, rather than the timestamp. We all have an old story, when we tell the date or year errors. In addition, the fuzzy time intentionally (barton Mr Walter dubbing old Adam, this is "1980 years of east west"), allows the objects in the program referenced in the 80 s and the contribution of popular culture, it any time you want. Said "we are not the history of the 1980 s the timeline... it gives us so much to play," goldberg told TVGuide.com last month. "If we were canceled, at least we have what we want in the 80 s!" Goldberg c in the ABC broadcast Tuesday 9/8. Did you watch?

Six weeks after knee surgery, judi dench walk the red carpet

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SKYFALL star and Oscar winner leave deep impression, in her new movie li cloud the premiere on October 16, and not just because of her fashionable attire. Without crutches, she walked the red carpet for six weeks after knee surgery.
Busy with children
"When I had to be done on September 6th, I said my surgeon", on October 16, I'll walk the red carpet "to the naked eye, so I didn't," dench told the "daily mirror"." You set your heart and a goal. "
During the surgery, the 78 - year - old dench, completely replace her right knee. "I don't think my age, when I was 43, a slim blonde, 43, long legs," said dench, who have insisted that she planned to cut her work soon. "I don't want to slow down, we can't say the word 'retirement', in our house." Old "and" retired "energy completely banned. Allow me to."
Last year, dench was diagnosed with macular degeneration, damage to the retina of the eye, its characteristics.

Star Wars’ Vintage Blooper Reel Surfaces Featuring Han Solo Eating a Microphone

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Harrison ford do, if he got out of a line, and shoot? From the original "Star Wars" to a new set of taboo, "he eats the props.
Actor who plays the science fiction legend of han solo "episode IV: a new hope", "" the empire strikes back" and "return of the jedi" push the microphone in his mouth flubbing beside his friend, barca line, take the falcon one thousand at the scene of the shooting.
Mark hamill, who play an orphan from the jedi Luke skywalker, thinking about the correct pronunciation of "supernova" in a snorkel, even Oscar winner Sir Alec guinness trouble his lines.
Watch the video above, see old anecdotes scrolls, also equipped with Darth Vader's menacing right-hand man, admiral tower gold, peel off his game by Carrie fisher princess leia.
"Star Wars: 7 sets", which is directed by JJ Abrams, is expected to be released in 2015.
It was recently announced that the oscar-winning writer Michael arndt sequel to no longer work. On the contrary, abrams script creation of "the empire strikes back" co-written Lawrence Mr. Dan.

The Amazing Race' Speed-cap: Lost By a Whisker

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We've got a cruel to make fun of you. It destroyed the most entertaining team, won the "speed limit" Poland's leg and a $1 million bonus?
Sadly, only half.
Below to see how our beloved beard from first to last, who gets fast pass, and used DUOS turn over 1500 miles southeast of the medieval town of gdansk, Poland.
She can't refuse
Only picked up half of the clues, former boyfriend don't know where I am from Norway, so the little finger to accept the doctor's exchange zhongtong express to provide help. She immediately accused Tim pressure, she worried that they had made a foolish behavior. (if they should be punished, do not have the clue.) Although everyone sit 34 hours in the same boat (lucked the balanced way behind baseball wife!) Together, they did to their processing requirements document retention of trade secrets. Nicole's responsibility, reasoning, "what do you think we want on the back of our another goal?"
[related: get up speed, our "speed limit" recapitulate]
The cause of the loss
After flying, the team should be united plaza, shipyard site adjacent eastern European folk, led to the fall of communism get their next clue. In other words, if they can find. Driver's ex-boyfriend, Afghanimals, ice queen size error of blunder their extra, the double turn in advance because of panic.
The little finger lack of communication with her driver, who dropped out of the car several times was horrified. "This is unbelievable. No one can speak English. No one can understand us." (not so unbelievable, because you are in Poland, but we digress.) Oil workers was the first clue, instructing them to the old golden gate. Beard driver turn lost, and what he called a veteran taxi driver's help, he rejected his passengers on behalf of Boston. Play is good, in Boston, a good play. First team dressing like a detour options town statue of Neptune, constitute a heavy trident stands, and donate 75 zlota passers-by. Is complaining "how hard it is to:" this is per usual, but the wife has completed the first baseball arrived while the fourth. Beard, stumbled, and give it a failed attempts, would be deposited into their chest. "Empty stands, greeted the former boyfriend of fear that they use their passing to skip.
Drag racing
Other indirect selection is polka learning program, and then execute it full costume teachers' satisfaction. Put on your clothes who bickered oil workers. Danny rock paper scissors, but Tim thought, Danny is "thin. I can't shake the dress. I plus size." Danny drive sliding, Tim jokingly asked him if he want to dinner, and Danny snapped, "you'd better turn it off. I don't want to be in a clothes good-looking. I don't feel sexy. I feel ashamed." Oklahoma is OK. Add is "white guy, two flat pin", torn down the crotch, and is usually round Danny grew more and more confused, to find your feminine side. The document and the Boston preached to them. Even if they have a foreman in the middle ages crane clues to search harbour, hit in the future. The rest of the team was asked to stay in clothing. Neptune's beard may hinder the peripheral vision baseball wife walked over and turning plate, let the Boston pull ahead of time. Although the little finger to play with the idea that document to do the other half of the detour, they finally decided to turn around, no one else, in addition to the oil workers, who picked up Afghanimals, and Afghanimals, who chose the beard to buy yourself some time.
High sugar content (and dragon)
In Poland, more than 6000 residents strongly Faloweic longest apartment building, the team's sweets spread through half a mile long complex 12 address. They had to go door-to-door taste residents paczki (local doughnut specialty) find a rose. This is at least ten years "fear factor" the taste of up and down in the history of "race" challenge, while running, up and down the stairs and the hall seemed to run out. Kim jong il, the elevator, trying to save her strength, and the DOC Travis by clicking on the button on the way to subtly undermine her downstairs, cause she stopped at every floor.

Fox elevates Freer to president of networks group

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Rupert murdoch's fox in the 21st century to promote sports media President randy freer's new position and fox network group, President and chief operating officer, the company said in a statement on Monday.
Mr Freer of the report, the fox network group's chairman and chief executive Peter rice, fox broadcasting network, including fox sports, FX network, fox international channels, and the national geographic channel.
More than Mr Freer, a former administrative role, fox, recently, where he helps oversee cable channel fox sports January launched fox sports media group joint, President and chief operating officer.


Once Upon a Time Recap: Prelude to a Kiss

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In the fairy land... | navy lieutenant killian Jones solve the crew of the "gem of the sea," teach "the importance of good form." His younger brother, liam, and the captain, and then to carry a new sextant, this will lead to set up a factory, can cure any kind of mysterious new state. Use the pegasus feathers sail, the ship literally fly neverland, Jones brothers immediately the acquaintance of Peter pan. Pan warned their Dreamshade factory and cannot be cured, but is actually a poison, but liam doubt their king will be looking for such a vicious weapons. To prove their faith, liam open its own factories, only death quickly. Killian pan's help, be guided to a spring of water can cure all - but in so doing, is a price to pay. Liam was soon cure water, but the mould, once again, they all go home. Irritate their Kings led them in such a rough task, in the end of his brother, killian lead to condemn their allegiance to the navy and he together for pirate crew, the ship was renamed "happy Roger."
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In neverland... Emma solution found evidence that Neil lost hope in his day neverland, Henry, his family is near. And she, snow and Regina to capture the lost boys, comfortable hook in the top of the hill, the dead to find his brother sextant tricks. In fact, want to spring hook - although in the treatment of him, David it with fish, he will never leave the neverland. Comfortable said, this is a small price to pay, have the opportunity to save his grandson, imbibes/heal.
At the same time, to capture the lost boy Henry gap in fencing, Emma can hold the snow makes Regina gouge out young man's heart, and use it to control him. So, back to Henry lost boy and gave him a compact mirror half Emma & CO can communicate with him. Henry in the first criminal suspects hang sheep head sell vinegar, but the "cobra" persuade him, otherwise. Henry scheduling mirror, in order to avoid extensive understanding.
When men and women together, comfortable plants a big his wife, and then rotate versions of the truth, still on the hook for the protection of life. Thank you Emma pirates after saving the lives of her father, link up with smile, "thanks perhaps to now," suggested a kiss. Emma rebuffs: "yes, this is the purpose of 'thank you'." Say what, teasing her, "you can't handle it." (do you believe in her. Hook the counter, she a person can't deal with Emma, start a long term, heating liplock in the end. As the steam escape almost his collar, hook, "this is..." "A one-time thing," Emma insists/claim/her children. Apparent confusion, she sent him to get some wood (needless to say, anyone!) And he responded, "as you wish." (ERGO I tweet: "Emma buttercup!" ")
Alone drinking rum and hook pan is close to a secret: "Emma Baelfire guy love, Henry's father... he was alive. And his neverland", but the boy told Emma hook. Or not. "Let's see what kind of man you really are." Back to camp, pan told the lost boy hanging cage up "to another," Neil let we don't know who in the other cage...

Beatcoin is a music jukebox hackers technical support of bitcoins small amount

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Why music jukebox disappeared? They may be around the first real social experience, but then everyone stop using them. Meet Beatcoin, a pretty present on the stage of the European hackers marathon. Team everyone's cell phone into a jukebox. Each bar boss also began to accept the currency, he or she played songs on your mobile phone.
"Our hackers and COINS is interesting to note that everything is pure virtual," duck tongue as gerhard told me. "It does not depend on any old school economic mechanism, we think it is very destructive," he continued, said jokingly.
First of all, you must be installed on your android phone or iPhone applications, and insert it into the your stereo. This is the installation process. Then, everyone can go to a website, where they will see the list of songs and the current of choice.
A party may vote with their bitcoins purse. For each song, users can see different COINS address attached to the same purse. In the end, will check the scheduled tasks each song received how many virtual currency, and rank to them accordingly. Bobby said: "the user does not need an application or a client, he need only COINS," John.