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Iwata (Satoru Iwata), the company's chief executive, said that the nintendo will continue to pursue the subversive strategy, but pointed out that the weak part of the competition, reasons for doing so. The translation of each bridge, iwata said: "nintendo is good at competition, so we always want to challenge [situation] something new, not in the current market competition." Assuming that the translation is more or less, nintendo's portrait depicts a dangerous in the future.
So, what color is the ocean,? ,
Nintendo whether like or dislike, it realize that it is, in fact, in almost every game function of the equipment in the competition of the market. The rise of mobile phone and tablet based on the game and dedicated handheld gaming market deterioration, should make this obvious. Just ask yoshida, President of SONY's global studio ponder, he points out, is there a vita handheld hurt "serious" substitute for smartphones and tablets of the outstanding problems. Although the performance of the nintendo 3 DS is much better than the vita, it still poor performance, compared to the original DS system. As a dedicated handheld gaming device manufacturers, nintendo and SONY are creating satisfied like angry birds and candy crush the market, more and more "high-end" experience.
It is also noteworthy that nintendo to avoid the "blue ocean" strategy, the latest game system. The 3 DS is essentially a more powerful version of the DS, 3 d display ability, may seem like a great idea about time, James Cameron's avatar was released. The Wii U is basically with flat controller Wii converted. All of these are simplified, but obviously, whether the innovation of the system that matches the DS and Wii, push the top of the company.
No game?
Iwata expressed the belief that the company is not good at competition has certain effectiveness, but the reason ambiguous problem decision nintendo's long history. It is real, is in the best position, the company hired the loss of the practice of leading, traditionally used to SONY and Microsoft's own hardware. A small part of the game is SONY company business, to a greater degree, Microsoft's business. These companies sell better equipment in the red, and high-tech hardware benefit from software sales and services online. There was a time when the nintendo game platform system decision of technical standards. The time has passed.
More important is nintendo's "competition" than the hardware power supply. Have spent decades, the company is not friendly third-party publishers and exaggerate their as a platform, the holder of the hand. SONY PlayStation is likely never materialized if nintendo not torpedo hit the cooperation relations, to produce a SNES - CD platform. Publishers N64 stuck expensive proprietary cartridge, driving to a newly created a competitor's arms. GameCube. See the transition to the CD, but the middle proprietary and less storage space than the DVD again.
In the present generation, publishing giant electronic arts has abandoned the Wii U's platform, reason is the lack of a valuable online ecosystem. Why doing business on the third party of nintendo platform, and rival nintendo software is certainly one of the reasons are many. The company may not be able to survive in the hardware space, if it insist on his own way.
The poor of the Wii U
November's forthcoming PlayStation 4 and Xbox see nintendo has nothing to do in the console market. SONY's equipment will appear in the $399 and $499 of Microsoft, and each system will provide the superior hardware, online services, and third-party support than the Wii U $299. The Wii U also used cheap Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 system competition. This may not have been sentenced to death the console nintendo if you have the right software, to promote the equipment. After a lot of trigger and underperformances, only super Mario 3 d world is likely to have significant impact.
What is next?
Trenching gamepad and implemented a large-scale price reduction, it is safe, said what all can't save in the Wii U. At the same time, nintendo's handheld granary eaten mobile phone. Iwata is likely to be the right advice, the company needs to pursue subversive strategy, but the recent history suggests the company is not in a position, to shape the industry. History also showse, why companies may not want to in such industry leading position.
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