Why don't you watch goldberg ABC family comedy set in the 80 s, based on the founder Adam f. goldberg's childhood and his childhood family film, no star's influence, some new fall series or the name of the luster and the selling point of the built-in like lead shield agent in miracle, but it is a better freshman year a series of new season. Are you sure you missed some great laughs RAD fashion in the 80 s, if you don't adjust inches four reasons why you should see goldberg bubble SAO: how will survive? 1. This sounds like dad cry - Y. Domineering mother. The cutin grandpa. Excluded brother. They sound like () the cliche, but in the hands of goldberg, we have a more realistic and credible family years dynamically on the screen. Your family may not be abrasive or loud goldberg, but we all know or meet some rough and likeable person who may grate, but ultimately mean good. On the surface, the show seems to be in "we are loud, interesting", but write it as a high volume of screams, a marathon is to ignore good, it does require a quiet mood rhythm. The video last week that Murray (Jeff GARLIN), dotes on his wife, Beverly (deng McLendon - covey), by Adam (XiaoEnJi AnBuLang) chronic filming his clan. Murray is probably never say (or scream), "I love you", but he didn't show it. Sweet sentimental, so effortless mixed cacophony of madness, it is not easy, but goldberg, their family now, you never know what you want. 2. Performance of all the actors are wonderful, but McLendon peacekeeping Troy gentiles, who plays Barry, is the best. McLendon - Covey excessive protection, excessive caution and loving mother, who is willing to deliberately frighten her son, so he will take hold and embracing her off center, and outside state Barry a roller skating rap/NBA star/geek, we 'D all love to close. You fall television series: display won? Vote now! 3. Nostalgia, you didn't have to go through the 1980 s, to appreciate them. But goldberg is not just a decade, give a catcher guardians and parachute pants - we celebrate our childhood. Who does not desire to recall more naive, carefree time, in our life, you are most interested in figuring out how to get reebok pump (or air Jordan or future iPhone)? If you do remember the 1980 s, so much the better, it makes us... 4. In the 80 s quoted one of the biggest thorn in the side of the audience yes anachromisms. No, what to say... REO fast carriage "can't play this kind of feeling" in the same year hasn't appeared, but what does it matter? The beautiful memories of that a moment, rather than the timestamp. We all have an old story, when we tell the date or year errors. In addition, the fuzzy time intentionally (barton Mr Walter dubbing old Adam, this is "1980 years of east west"), allows the objects in the program referenced in the 80 s and the contribution of popular culture, it any time you want. Said "we are not the history of the 1980 s the timeline... it gives us so much to play," goldberg told TVGuide.com last month. "If we were canceled, at least we have what we want in the 80 s!" Goldberg c in the ABC broadcast Tuesday 9/8. Did you watch?