
Stephen Colbert on New ‘Girly’ Marine Hats: ‘Might as Well Be Made of Tampons

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Stephen colbert is a patriot, he'll do anything to support our country's military - short for, of course.
But now there's comedy central mainframe simply can't stand: new Marine hat, some people say that the "sissy".
"Sam palmer connection not sen pell," colbert said. "
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There's only one problem: it looks are basically the same, because the current proposed cap. However, this did not prevent "the colbert report" host ranks jumping from a man.
"Colbert said," this is I looked at them so feminine ovulation. "These hats may also be tampons and eat, pray, a copy of love."
Colbert have a suggestion, and make our military hat more man - made their beef jerky and shark teeth.
"Mark my words, then, Mr Obama will have army ranger in the beret, suit small wearing navy sailors." Oh, and so on.

