
CBS rejects Time Warner Cable offer to end fight

LOS ANGELES (AP) - CBS chief executive les's pro rejected offers from time warner cable end blackouts over into the fifth day, wandering fee on Tuesday said it was a clever pr trick. In a letter released on Tuesday,'s pro wall time warner cable CEO Glenn britt quotation, CBS to sell its programming consumers "to order", rather than with other channels. Munn said, if cable operators are really open to ideas, which will make Los Angeles the customer to choose whether to pay time warner cable's new sports network coverage of the Los Angeles lakers basketball and the Los Angeles dodgers baseball game. The two companies are working on CBS programming time warner cable companies pay much controversy. Fighting has led to the CBS programming in the power of about 30000, time warner cable users, since Friday, in New York, Los Angeles and Dallas. About 2.5 million, time warner cable companies pay extra customers also lost

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