
RUBBER-Tokyo futures slip as yen hits 6-week high

Tokyo on August 7 (Reuters) - major TOCOM rubber futures fell 0.7% on Wednesday, the yen rose to 6 Zhou Xingao against the dollar and worries about the global economic outlook on prices. The fundamentals * tocom rubber contracts traded the turnover of 1.7 yen fell in February, by 0023 GMT, at 248.2 yen. * yen was quoted at $97.40 in early trading in Asia, after earlier reached 97.21, the highest level since late June. This makes the Japanese currency assets more expensive, buying other currencies. * physical rubber prices have bottomed out and is expected to rebound this week, but the prices will be subject to weak demand in the global economic outlook is not good, traders and industry officials said on Tuesday. * for the headlines in the rubber market and other news click, or Market news * U.S. stocks on Tuesday for the second consecutive trading day decline, from a pair of the U.S. federal reserve officials, investors not sure of the time, may reduce its bond purchases.

kan dao zhe tie pian
  tong xue chen wo bu zhu yi de shi hou ba yi ge ,
  wu gui de tie pian tie zai wo yi fu hou mian ,
  wo yi zhi mei fa xian ,yi lian tie liao hao ji tian du mei you gao su wo 。
  hou lai wo zhong yu fa xian liao ,
  jiu wen wo ma ma :“ni xi yi fu de shi hou mei kan dao zhe tie pian ma ?”
  ma ma shuo :“kan dao liao a !”
  wo wen :“na ni zen me mei gei wo na xia lai a ?”
  ma ma yi lian wu gu de shuo :“wo huan yi wei shi shang biao ne ,
  pa xi huai liao ,te yi zhai xia lai xi de ,deng gan liao you gei ni zhan shang qu liao !”
  wo :“。。。。”

