
Iran's leaders to reach the United States, has vowed to resolve the nuclear row

Dubai (Reuters) - talks in Tehran's disputed nuclear program, Iran's new President hassan Rouhani Tuesday to offer an olive branch to the United States, to improve the progress after many years of stalemate. Rouhani, in the west as a relatively moderate leaders, at his first news conference on Sunday since the oath, he was "seriously determined" to resolve the dispute, and prepare to enter the "serious and substantive" negotiations. Wanted to resolve the nuclear issue through diplomatic means has risen with Rouhani victory over the conservative opponents in June, when voters chose him to replace the hardline Mr Ahmadinejad, whose motto is "the doctrine of the mean" a priest. Western countries and Israel, has said in the past, their ability to believe Iran is trying to obtain nuclear weapons, but Tehran says its program is purely for the sake of peace. Rouhani says Iran will not give up its nuclear program, it will adhere to the "international law" on the basis of.

zhe shi mian zi wen ti
  xiao ming shou ji mei dian ,yi xia ke jiu qu chong dian ,
  ke jiao shi cha zuo du man liao ,ta kan dao xiao hua de shou ji zai chong hao bu you yu jiu ba liao ,
  zi ji shou ji huan shang qu chong 。xiao hua dan dan de shuo :“rang zhuo ta 。”
  xiao zhang :“ni zen me zong rang zhuo ta ?”
  xiao hua :“zhe shi mian zi wen ti 。”
  xiao zhang :“ni shi bu hao yi si shuo ta ?”
  xiao hua :“na dao bu shi ,wo men lia lao kao ban shang dao shu yi er ming ,
  ben lai wo lao dao shu di yi ,ta rang zhuo wo gei liao wo zhe me da mian zi 。”

