
Pay TV mergers needed to offset fees

LOS ANGELES (AP) - the Dish Network chairman said Charlie urban root, pay-tv distributors may have merged into play, if the government doesn't contain the power of television Network fee dispute. Ears investors on Tuesday announced the following dishes, it released the second quarter loss, made the remarks in a conference call. His remarks coincided with CBS programming cut off about 30000, time warner cable subscribers, in New York, Los Angeles and Dallas five days under the background of the cost of dispute. Go complain about the power of the main entertainment, called them "is basically a monopoly," because they can be a significant rise in interest rates and distributors have no choice, but it should be. He did not specify what kind of company, he was talking about, but one of the largest content providers, including Disney, time warner and viacom. Customers lost, he says, because production costs rising faster than inflation. "Congress really didn't do what a fair competitive environment," he said. "So,

zhe shi mian zi wen ti
  xiao ming shou ji mei dian ,yi xia ke jiu qu chong dian ,
  ke jiao shi cha zuo du man liao ,ta kan dao xiao hua de shou ji zai chong hao bu you yu jiu ba liao ,
  zi ji shou ji huan shang qu chong 。xiao hua dan dan de shuo :“rang zhuo ta 。”
  xiao zhang :“ni zen me zong rang zhuo ta ?”
  xiao hua :“zhe shi mian zi wen ti 。”
  xiao zhang :“ni shi bu hao yi si shuo ta ?”
  xiao hua :“na dao bu shi ,wo men lia lao kao ban shang dao shu yi er ming ,
  ben lai wo lao dao shu di yi ,ta rang zhuo wo gei liao wo zhe me da mian zi 。”

