
Oscar-Winning Director Returns to Iran as New Regime ‘Generates a Great Deal of Hope’

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The director, the method of hardy in Galveston, rock with government relations and the Iranian ministry of culture.
Although his movies have representative national three awards for best foreign-language film Oscar race - and one of them, "separation", won the Oscar award - Iran's only he lives in France after two years of national conflict with the ministry of culture and speak out against censorship.
But for now, Iran is in the news, because the thaw relations with the United States, the method of hardy has returned to Tehran's life.
His new film, "in the past," again in the Oscar nominated race and Iran - selection has been met with criticism inside Iran as the main French movies, because it is in Paris and the stars of the French actress Berenice will be long.
"In the past," will be released in December, the SONY classic, was elected to the college, two days before the deadline to October 1, two weeks later, open a new Iran's deputy culture minister ayoob Hojjatollah cinema in the house of representatives, filmmakers and artists at the center of the closed two years ago by the previous regime hardliners.
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Hardy films to choose is regarded as the new government's tolerance of moderate President hassan haney, its recent currency letters and phone conversations with President barack Obama signs was praised as another sign of progress.
"Law hardy declined to speak about the politics of his country more deeply, but his celebration, he saw a positive change, in a recent conversation (complete) through an interpreter TheWrap.
What is your current relationship, such as with the government, the ministry of culture?
It took me a couple in France for years, and then returned to Iran recently. As for those who have been newly appointed, it was a little earlier, I said. But man has been responsible for the movie, just in a short period of time, he was appointed, did some good things.
He reopened the cinema, the house was shut down for a long time. Moreover, what he said seems to indicate he is fairly progress. It had a great hope in Iranian filmmakers.
So I think these people, I will not have any difficulty with them.
Do you see yourself making a movie in Iran?
I have a few stories, I have been thinking about it. Some of them happened in Iran, and some outside of Iran. I only just beginning to think about this question, so probably before the end of this year, I'll decide which one I work.
It is important to set up the "past" in France, rather than Iran?
At first glance, people might think that the film can also be produced in Iran. But on the details, there are also many differences. Because the story is based on the details, if it is in Iran, it would be a completely different film.
In what way?
In the aspect of culture, we iranians more restrained. We are not easily reveal myself. One time, where we may be held a secret our whole life, and don't tell anyone. I need a woman [character] he easily will tell her secret. I always think, if the woman is Iran, it would be very strange, I have repeatedly tell her secret in front of everyone.
Reading: cannes comments: 'the past is a brilliant meditation secrets and lies
Story revolves around a series of secret gradually revealed,
This is true, and my other films. It's like you opened the Russian doll, there is another. But in the past, there is another dimension structure, does not exist in my former films. It's a domino effect, domino, one of them knock at rest. The story of my first time to write, in fact, I chose the title as "dominoes".
When you start to write the script, you in other work, didn't you?
I work on a project, in fact, I used to imagine, even in the "separation". , very accident. French playwright/actress yasi mina, reza, I was sitting in a cafe, and play before we discuss the ideas. I suddenly said, "I want to tell you, I about my friend."
I don't know why I do so, but I told her my this friend who will go to Canada after years of divorced, and live in his ex-wife's for a period of time. Completed, I said, "why don't we write this? This is better." The next day, I began to work in this one.
What is it about this story, catch your attention?
Let me put this way - in that moment, I had the choice, I am from 40 to the fifth decade of my life. Four is the age since you constantly see behind you. Before, I always look forward to. But over the past few years, I have been thinking about my childhood and about the past. May be in imperceptible in, the feeling I this particular story.
Do you like the rewarding experience with the "separation"
The film, not just myself, but this movie and all of its cast and crew, we received more than 100 awards. In the year 100 award, as every three days. [laughing] after a certain period of time, it has become common.

